In early 2020, I embarked on an unforgettable weeklong adventure aboard the Royal Caribbean ship Adventure of the Seas. Departing from Florida, our cruise took us to the enchanting “ABC Islands” – Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao. Our first stop was the picturesque island of Aruba, where we were greeted by a beautiful harbor and a …
Saint Lucia: A Tropical Paradise.
In 2018, my partner Erin and I embarked on a journey to the sun-kissed island of Saint Lucia. With its breathtaking coastline spanning over 100 miles, adorned with diverse beaches ranging from black volcanic sands to pristine white powder, Saint Lucia proved to be an idyllic tropical getaway. One highlight of our trip was a …
Unveiling the Untamed Spirit: A Journey to Masada’s Mighty Fortress.
During this trip to Israel, I made a pilgrimage to the mighty fortress of Masada, located between Ein Gedi and Sodom; where, in the first-century, Roman legions besieged hundreds of Jewish soldiers entrenched behind the high walls of the limestone fortress. Nestled majestically in the Judean Desert, the ancient fortress of Masada stands as a …