Embarking on a train journey from Berlin to Warsaw in Poland, I found myself caught in a series of misadventures that would test my patience and resilience. From missed trains and language barriers to unforeseen accommodation issues, my trip to Mazovia proved to be an unforgettable rollercoaster ride…
From Berlin, I made the decision to venture westward – to Poland by train. I have a couple rules for where I stay: they must be easily accessible by walking or using public transportation from my arrival point, and they must have wi-fi since cell service can be spotty or nonexistent. I inform you of this so you will better appreciate my misadventure in Mazovia.
Mazovia is the region encompassing the heart of Poland. The apartment that I booked in Warsaw required me to pick up the key prior to 6:00 PM. I reserved a seat on a train leaving Berlin at 9:50 AM to arrive in Warsaw at 3:07 PM in order to pick up my key for the weekend in time. For some reason, I woke up very early in Berlin so took my time getting ready and walked the half-mile or so to the Central Station. I had breakfast, lounged around, and did some window shopping in the huge mall-like station full of stores. At about 9:15, I glanced up at the departures monitor to see what track my train would be leaving from. I noticed that there was no indication of any train to Warsaw and no notice of any trains leaving at 9:50 AM. My pulse quickened as I rushed to find the nearest ticket window and stood in line to ask for help. I was told the train for Poland was leaving at 9:50 AM but from a different train station miles away! I was now in panic mode as I raced to get to the correct train station. I was told I needed to take a local metro train in order to get to the correct long-distance rail station, from where my train was leaving in less than half an hour with or without me. I ran to the local metro-rail center and asked a worker how to get to this train station – he barked at me in German, obviously having no idea what I needed. I consulted a huge metro map posted on the wall and figured out how to get to the correct train station and then discovered that I needed a metro ticket. I saw people in line to buy tickets, but I did not have time to stand in line and a metro train had just pulled up and was ready to go. I quickly jumped the barrier and leaped onto the metro with no ticket and crossed my fingers, my heart beating like a thief as the train sped away, and morning commuters eyeing me with suspicion. When the metro arrived at my correct train station, I ran to the track for the train bound for Warsaw – I had made it just in the nick of time! The train started rolling right away and we were off to Poland. After only about forty minutes into the four- and half-hour journey, the train came slowly to a halt. An announcement was made in Polish, so I did not understand why we were stopped. After 30 minutes of just sitting there, I got up and discovered from a female Polish train officer who spoke limited English that “the machine broke”. The translation was that we would sit and wait a couple of hours to get a new engine car. We sat for two hours, and then started moving again toward Warsaw.
Sharing a cabin with fellow travelers from Malaysia and Dubai, we decided to make the best of the situation. We headed to the dining can where the friendly Polish chef on board prepared delicious pierogis, the traditional meat-filled dumplings, for me, while my lunch-mate ordered soup. Upon arrival, he discovered the soup contained sausage, and being a Muslim, he was unable to eat it so offered the bowl to me, it was a very filling lunch and amidst the delay, we forged connections through the shared meal and laughter, turning an inconvenience into a culinary adventure.

After the gross delay, our train arrived in Warsaw at 5:10 PM. I was in another country, with a new language and foreign everything. I was able to find the rental office on the ninth floor of an office building after a fast-paced twenty-minute walk and as I entered, the only employee left working past 5PM on a Friday, informed me that she had been trying to call me since she was about to go home. She stated that the apartment I rented had some “technical issues” and they would set me up in another place. I had little choice but to agree and she walked with me to negotiate a taxi which she paid for. The cab ride was a long one and I had a sinking feeling as the taxi drove me further and further away from the city center. I arrived at a huge complex of gated apartments with no English speakers to be found (including the taxi driver) and no shops or restaurants or public transportation in site. The driver helped point me in the right direction and I eventually made it to my apartment. The apartment seemed okay, however there was no wi-fi and then I found that the shower and commode were not working! I found a security guard at the building entrance and tried to get help, but he spoke no English. I took some pictures to show him the problem but there was little he could do. It was getting late, so I decided to camp out and wait until morning.
I was awakened at 11:40 PM by a knock on the door. There was a man with a bottle of wine, apologizing and saying he had heard of my issues. He was from the rental agency and was offering to take me to a hotel if I wanted. I agreed and quickly packed my things. We took another ride and I checked into the hotel just after midnight. The next day, the owner of the agency, who was very apologetic, personally picked me up; and gave me the keys to a private condo for elite executives right in the heart of the city. It was a very unique penthouse in the middle of an upscale office complex. The next evening when I came home, there was a bag on the door – inside was a personalized t-shirt they had made as another expression of their apology for the problems during my first night in Poland. I decided all was well that ended well, plus now I had a premium condo in an excellent location!

During my stay in Warsaw, I met a beautiful attorney named Malgosia and asked if I could buy her dinner. She spoke multiple languages and we shared a similar sense of humor, and a mutual passion for travel. We had dinner together at a Polish restaurant where she helped me order a traditional pork knuckle. She then led me on an amazing tour of Praga, Warszawa; describing the spirit of old Warsaw and telling me about the history of the Jews here, as we ducked around the crooks and corners of old town Warsaw – where the filming of The Pianist took place. The town was filled with wooden houses, atmospheric pubs, historic buildings, and artisan studios. When the weekend arrived, we drove to hear the “Chopin in the Park” concert, where a pianist recited works from Chopin’s oeuvre amidst the rose-edged gardens of Royal Lazienki Park. We walked past the Belvedere, the stately palace depicted on the Belvedere and Chopin vodka labels. In the park, we fed wild red squirrels and spotted some peacocks strutting their stuff. After meeting Malgosia, I decided to extend my stay in Warsaw. I checked out of my posh condo and booked a stay at the Warsaw Marriott.

As my stay in Warsaw drew to a close, I found myself reflecting on the twists and turns of my journey. Despite the initial setbacks, the hospitality I encountered along the way left a lasting impression. From the personalized apology t-shirt from the rental agency to the unexpected upgrade to a luxurious condo, I realized that even misadventures can lead to delightful surprises and connections. My misadventures in Mazovia taught me the importance of flexibility and resilience while traveling. Embracing unexpected challenges and opening. Before leaving, I hung out in the executive lounge of the Warsaw Marriott for some free cappuccino and chocolate. Little did I know, I would be back another year to stay again in this beautiful city and at this same luxurious hotel again.

Here is a short look at my room inside the Warsaw Marriott hotel…
Here is a map of this trip…

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